2018 Mustang Digital Dash: Highlights

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We’ve all been following the launch of Ford’s 2018 S550 Mustang, and now we get a closer look at the all new optional digital dash included in the 401A package. It’s awesomely customizable, meaning you can have your gauge cluster look pretty close to exactly the way you want it.

Diagonally the instrument cluster measures in at 12.4-inches and underwent over 2,000 development hours to get it just right; this brings a whole new level of class to the Ford Mustang.

We’ve been told there are 900 different color combinations and 10 unique animations baked into this digital masterpiece.

When the Mustang’s line-lock feature is engaged, a visual is presented on the screen which includes animated tires doing a digital burnout.

Upon entering Ford’s Drag Strip mode, a virtual drag strip is displayed complete with an animated Christmas-tree light setup.

What’s really intuitive are the eight available gauges which display unique vehicle information, such as: vacuum or boost, air to fuel ratio, temperature gauges, inlet air, cylinder head, coolant, transmission oil and axle oil, and voltage gauge.

We can’t wait to see the 2018 S550 Mustang digital dash in person!

– slammedstangs approved